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Blue-crowned Motmot
Blue-gray Tanager
Black-Cheeked Woodpecker
Emerald Toucanet
Golden-headed Tanager
Great Potoo
This bird was sighted by one of the paddlers on our raft trip. The
guide said many birders would pay big money to see one of these. It's a
night predator that is similar to an owl, but is actually a nightjar
like the nighthawk and whip-poor-will.
Purple-throated Mountain Gem
Violet Sabrewing
Violet Sabrewing
This rufus-tailed hummingbird had this a favorite roost between our
room at Tiajari and the restaurant. He looked forlorn early in the
morning after a night-time light rain.
Little Blue Heron
Scarlet-rumped Tanager
Slaty-tailed Trogon
Slate-throated Redstart
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to go to the respective photos