The Island of FOHR   (p2)

Modified 6/30/08

The accordian band performs at the Oevenum farmers' market
which is held each Thursday. We also attended the Fish Market
in Wyk each Sunday after Mass. Though there was fish, it was
essentially a flea market.
Pat enjoys a beautiful day with lunch along
the promenade

The largest town on the island is Wyk. It has the harbor
where the ferry lands and is the center for tourists and
shopping. The street along the beach is a beautiful
promenade with sidewalk cafes and a park.

St. Johannis church in Nieblum

Pat at Sandwall

Accordian band

Each morning and afternoon there is a free music
program provided.

Band concert

Chess game

Nieblum church

Ringreiten 2

Most Sundays, in the summer, there is a Ringreiten
(ring riding) competition in one of the villages on the island.
On this day, the women were showing their skills.

Ringreiten 1

Pat and Chris enjoy a band concert in Nieblum
performed by the band from the east side of the island.

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This woman has just missed the small ring.
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Sandwall music

This young fellow was more interested in playing in the dirt
than watching ringrieten.

Ringreiten 4

After the competition, the band leads
the riders through town.

Elizabeth-Sofia sign

I took a photo of this sign on the Nordstrand because it has
both names of the first-born of Lori and Lisa. A koog is the
below sea-level land exposed when a dike is built.

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